Senin, 27 Juli 2009

Foray into the Unknown--graduate pedagogy

I'm putting together a grad class for my teaching portfolio. It's a bit of code switch to be a graduate student and then think about teaching graduate students (more so than the undergrad switch, I find). I'm wondering if you have suggestions about the thinking processes you
go through when putting together a syllabus? How do you balance comprehensiveness with depth? How do you balance particular setting with information that would help students with any research focus? For instance, I've thought about putting together an African American Intellectual History seminar or a seminar on Networks--physical, imaginary, and textual.

I'd really like to include primary sources, but most of my grad classes focused on secondary. Do grad classes normally avoid primary sources? I had thought I would assign a primary source with a connected secondary source each week.

Also, what are your thoughts about student led discussions? From the position of student, I didn't find them as helpful as when the prof led the discussion, but it seems like most profs use them as a way to structure graduate classes.

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