Senin, 12 Desember 2011

Andrew is a 3QD Finalist!

Major congratulations to Andrew Hartman!  Last week, five posts from this blog were among the fifty-six nominees for the third annual 3 Quarks Daily Politics and Social Science Prize.  Since we all nominated each other, this was not much of an accomplishment.

Over the weekend, Andrew's post, "'When the Zulus Produce a Tolstoy We Will Read Him': Charles Taylor and the Politics of Recognition," made the list of twenty semi-finalists.  This was nicer...but it was still just a popularity contest among the thousand or so people who dropped by 3QD to vote. 

The cut to nine finalists, however, was made by the 3QD editors, all of whom, as far as I know, are strangers to this blog.  Especially given the many excellent semi-final entries, it's a real honor to make this list...and one that Andrew richly deserves for his terrific post.  At this point, the nine finalists will be sent to Stephen M. Walt (of Walt and Mearsheimer Report fame), who will pick first, second, and third place winners, to be announced "on or around" December 19.  We're all keeping our fingers crossed for Andrew!  In the meantime, do swing by and read his nominated post.  In a year that featured many excellent posts on this blog, it's one of the very best!

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