Selasa, 17 April 2012

The 2012 S-USIH Conference Forum

As most readers of this blog probably know, the deadline for submitting proposals to the 2012 Society for U.S. Intellectual History Conference is fast approaching. Proposals are due on June 1. Unlike in previous years, we will not be accepting individual paper proposals, so it's vital that you have a complete panel before submitting it to the organizers.

I've put together a 2012 S-USIH Conference Forum, which is designed to help those of you seeking to put together panels who need to locate additional presenters or chairs / commentators.

Before posting anything in this forum, please be sure to read the Call for Papers, which specifies what the committee is looking for in submissions.

Then post a topic in the appropriate sub-forum.

If you have a paper you're interested in presenting, but don't have a particular panel in mind, please post a new topic in the INDIVIDUAL PAPERS SEEKING PANELS sub-forum.  Please use the title of your paper as the title of your topic.

If you know the topic of your session, but need some more papers / presenters for it, please post a new topic in the PANEL PROPOSALS sub-thread.  Please use the title of your session as the title of your topic.

If you have a complete panel assembled, but lack a chair / commentator, please post a new topic in the PANELS SEEKING CHAIRS / COMMENTATORS sub-forum. Please use the title of your session as the title of your topic.

Finally, if you are planning to be at the conference but are not otherwise on the program, you can offer your services as a chair / commentator in the AVAILABLE TO CHAIR / COMMENT sub-forum. Please use your name and affiliation as the title of your topic.

Wherever you post, the more information you provide about what you already know about your paper / session and what you're looking for in collaborators, the better your chance of success in finding good scholarly matches.

PLEASE NOTE: Posting to the forum does not in itself constitute submitting a proposal to the Conference Committee. Please be sure, once you have assembled a panel, to submit it to the organizers as specified in the Call for Papers.

There will be a link to the forum on the top of the blog through the first week of June.

UPDATE (June 11, 2012):  I've removed the forum as the deadline for putting panels together has passed.

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