Selasa, 31 Juli 2012

S-USIH 2012 Conference Program

Society for U.S. Intellectual History
2012 Conference and Annual Meeting
The Graduate Center
November 1 and 2, 2012
Conference Program

Thursday, November 1

Business Meeting, 9:00-10:30 (C198)
Society for U.S. Intellectual History Executive Committee Meeting
Introduction by Paul Murphy, 2012 President
Open to All S-USIH members

Session A, 10:00-11:45

American Loneliness, American Solitude: The View from Central Europe (Room C198)

Michael Kimmage, Catholic University of America
“Familiar Territory: Wolfgang Koeppen and American Loneliness”

Richard King, University of Nottingham
“It Goes with the Territory: Hannah Arendt and American Loneliness”

Martin Woessner, City University of New York
“The Cinema of Solitude: Terrence Malick, Martin Heidegger, and the Meaning of Human Existence”

Chair/Commentator: Jennifer Ratner-Rosenhagen, University of Wisconsin, Madison

Religion and the Discourses of Radical Activism in 20thCentury America (Room C201)

Mark Pittenger, University of Colorado
“Liberal Theology and Oppositional Politics: The Unitarian Radicalism of John Haynes Holmes”

Andrew J. Ballou, Boston University
“Christian Idealism and Pacifist Practicability: The Fellowship of Reconciliation’s Search for an Effective Social Ethic”

Leilah Danielson, Northern Arizona University
“Working-class Pragmatism: A.J. Muste and Progressive Labor, 1919-1936”

Chair/Commentator: Joseph Kip Kosek, George Washington University

Philosophy, Science, and Realism: Reflections on Early 20thCentury Realism (Room C202)

Gary Hatfield, University of Pennsylvania
“Science and Philosophy in Conversation: Roy Wood Sellars and American Critical Realism”

Patsy Manfredi, Southern Illinois University
“Objects and Dewey’s Pragmatic Instrumentalism”

Chair/Commentator: Bruce Kuklick, University of Pennsylvania

The Reactionary Mind at the American Founding (Room C203)

Tom Cutterham, Oxford University
“The Revolution’s Crisis of Patriarchal Imagination”

Craig Bruce Smith, Brandeis University
“Institutionalizing Honor in the Early Republic”

David J. Gary, City University of New York
“Rufus King and the Reading of the Higher Law”

Chair/Commentator: Seth Ackerman, Cornell University

Varieties of Scientific Experience: Contesting Cultural Authority, 1865-1925 (Room C204)

Paul Croce, Stetson University
"The Scientific Making of an Audacious Philosopher: Young WilliamJames’s 'Program of the Future of Science.'"

Andrew Jewett, Harvard University
“Science, Freedom, and Control in American Philosophy, 1900-1920”

Henry M. Cowles, Princeton University
Charles Sanders Peirce and 'The Very Age of Methods'”

Chair/Commentator: Francesca Bordogna, University of Notre Dame

Educating the Public: New England Intellectual Discourses and Educational Visions (Room C205)

Jonathan G. Koefoed, Boston University
“Guiding the Romantic Mind: James Marsh, Richard Henry Dane Sr., and the Educational Vision of Cautious Romanticism”

Amy Kittelstrom, Sonoma State University
“Education vs. Evangelism: Liberal Mindtraining from Elizabeth Palmer Peabody to Thomas Davidson”

Cristina V. Groeger, Harvard University
“Service to Selection: Vocational Education and Intelligence Testing in Boston Public Schools, 1919-1930”

Chair/Commentator: Charles Capper, Boston University

Lunch Break, 11:45-1:00

Session B, 1:15-3:00

Intellectual Authority, Communities of Discourse, and the Culture Wars (Room C198)

Molly Worthen, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
“Masters of Culture Warfare: How Evangelicals Have Thrived on the Battlefield of Intellectual Authority”

Natalia Mehlman Petrzela, The New School
“In Defense of the Family: Parents, Teachers, Taxes, and Sex Education” 

Andrew Hartman, Illinois State University
“Rethinking the Culture Wars: How the Wars of Position in Higher Education Complicate the Conventional Narrative”

Chair/Commentator: James Davison Hunter, University of Virginia

Sympathy, Aesthetics, and Politics (Room C201)

Alan Robert Ginsberg, Columbia University
“The Salome Ensemble—Translational Motion Across Oceans and Emotions”

Andrew L. Erdman, Independent Scholar
“George Jessel and Darryl Zanuck Don’t Care: Commerce, Politics and the Making of ‘The I Don’t Care Girl’”

Lisa Szefel, Pacific University
“‘The Glare of Vivid Words’: Taste, Tears, and Trotsky”

Chair/Commentator: Ann Fabian, Rutgers University, New Brunswick

The Sciences of Emotion in Postwar America (Room C202)

Susan Lanzoni, Harvard University
“Empathy Metrics:  Calibrating Social Emotions in the Social Sciences”

Nadine Weidman, Harvard University
“Konrad Lorenz and the Science of Emotion”

Erika Milam, Princeton University
"Alpha Males: Aggression in Men of Science and Other Primates"

Chair/Commentator: To be determined

Critiques of Kissinger’s Realism from Détente to the War on Terror (Room C203)

Brian Mueller, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
“The Institute for Policy Studies and the Radical Confrontation with Realpolitik”

Ellen G. Rafshoon, Georgia Gwinnett College
“Realpolitik and Religion: Morgenthau and Kissinger’s Jewish Problem”

Chair/Commentator: Joseph G. Morgan, Iona College

Politics of the Postwar University: Democracy, Civil Rights, and Decolonization (Room C204)

Mary Ellen Lennon, Marian University
“New Democracies, New Universities: The Creation of the African and American Universities Program, 1958-1965”

Marybeth Gasman, University of Pennsylvania
“Perceptions of Black College Presidents: Sorting Through Stereotypes and Reality to Gain a Complex Picture”

Julian Nemeth, Brandeis University
God and Man at Yale and the Politics of Higher Education in the 1950s”

Chair/Commentator: Peter Wirzbicki, American Academy of Arts and Sciences

Religious and Political Liberalism in Twentieth-Century America (Room C205)

David Mislin, University of Massachusetts Boston
“‘There Sit Side By Side Catholic and Protestant, Christian and Jew’: The Religious and Political Origins of Modern American Pluralism”

Kip Richardson, Harvard University
 “‘The Man Who Gets the Largest Salary Can Do the Most Good’: The Political Economics of the Social Gospel Moderates”

Gene Zubovich, University of California, Berkeley
“The Politicization of Protestantism in the WWII Era: Catholics, Evangelicals, and the Protestant Establishment”

Chair/Commentator: Matthew Hedstrom, University of Virginia

Session C, 3:15-5:00

Roundtable: Liberalism, Conservatism, and the 2012 Election (Room C198)

Chair: Sam Tanenhaus, Editor, New York Times Book Review
Beverly Gage, Yale University
David Greenberg, Rutgers University, New Brunswick
Orlando Patterson, Harvard University
Leo Ribuffo, George Washington University

Roundtable: On the Discourses of Pluralism and Secularism (Room C202)

Chair: Tisa Wenger, Yale University 
Pamela E. Klassen, University of Toronto
K. Healon Gaston, Harvard University
Laura Levitt, Temple University

Early America and the Intellectual Foundations of Cultural Institution Building (Room C203)

Michael D. Hattem, Yale University
“‘Improving the Minds of Our Fellow Citizens’: The Independent Reflector and Print as a Form of Institution-Building in British America”

Mark Boonshoft, Ohio State University
“The Great Awakening, Academies, and Ambition in the Eighteenth-Century Mid-Atlantic”

Jonathan W. Wilson, Syracuse University
“The Bread and the Cheese: Writing Americans in Manhattan, 1821-1828”

Chair/Commentator: Catherine O’Donnell, Arizona State University

Transatlantic Communities of Legal Scholars, 1870-1914 (Room C204)

David M. Rabban, University of Texas
“The Historical School of American Jurisprudence”

Mark S. Weiner, Rutgers University-Newark
“Lewis Henry Morgan and the Rule of the Clan”

Benjamin Coates, Wake Forest University
“Exceptionalism and Internationalism in the Professionalization of International Law in the United States, 1898-1914”

Chair and Commentator: Nadav Shoked, Northwestern University

Left-Liberal Intellectuals and the Cultural Politics of Modernity (Room C205)

Jay Garcia, New York University
“Richard Wright, Philip Wylie and the Culture Concept”

Drew Maciag, Independent Scholar
“John F. Kennedy and the Intellectuals:  One Brief Shining Moment for Modernity”

Paul Murphy, Grand Valley State University
“The Making of a Cultural Historian: Warren Susman and American Cultural Criticism in the 1950s and 1960s”

Chair and comment: James Levy, University of Wisconsin, Whitewater

Plenary Session, 6:00-8:00 (Elebash Recital Hall)
Roundtable: Speech Rights: Legal History as Intellectual History

Chair: Allison Perlman, University of California, Irvine
Jack Balkin, Yale University
Vincent Blasi, Columbia University
Ronald Collins, University of Washington
Catherine Ross, George Washington University       

Friday, November 2

Session D, 10:00-11:45

Historians and the Academy: Politics and Profession in the Careers of Elizabeth Fox-Genovese and C. Vann Woodward  (Room C198)

Michael O’Brien, Cambridge University
“C. Vann Woodward in His Letters”

Sheldon Hackney, University of Pennsylvania
“C. Vann Woodward: The Outsider as Insider”

David Moltke-Hansen, University of South Carolina
“From Edinburgh to Rome: Society in the Thought and Life of Elizabeth Fox-Genovese”

Chair/Commentators: Martin Burke, Lehman College and the Graduate Center (CUNY), and Daniel Joseph Singal, Hobart and William Smith Colleges

The Expansive Legacy of Francis Schaeffer (Room C201)

Ian Carr McPherson, Saint Louis University
“The Making of Francis Schaeffer: How Youth Culture Defined the Ideas that Redefined American Evangelicalism”

David Sessions, New York University
“Francis Schaeffer and Worldview Education”

Alissa Wilkinson, The King’s College
“Making Art for Jesus: Schaeffer’s Lingering Effect on the Art-and-Faith Community”

Chair/Commentator: Damon Linker, University of Pennsylvania

Behavioral Sciences in the Postwar Era: Community of Discourse or Community of Practice? (Room C202)

Philippe Fontaine, École normale supérieure de Cachan and Institut universitaire de France
“The Committee on the Behavioral Sciences: When Natural Scientists Talk about Society, 1949–1955”

Hunter Heyck, University of Oklahoma
“The Career of High Modern Social Science”

Jeff Pooley, Muhlenberg College
“‘A Not Particularly Felicitous Phrase’: A History of the ‘Behavioral Sciences’

Chair/Commentator: Nicolas Guilhot, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique/New York University

Discourses of Temporality in Nineteenth-Century American Culture (Room C203)

Jamie Pietruska, Rutgers University, New Brunswick
“‘The Great American Prophet’: Edward Bellamy and the Politics of Foresight”

Laura Thiemann Scales, Stonehill College
“‘Strange Foreshadowing’: Prophecy and Unpredictable Reading in Dred (1856)”

Kyla Schuller, Rutgers University, New Brunswick
“Handmaidens of Heredity: The Queer Evolutions of the First Generation of Women Physicians”

Chair/Commentator: Rosalind Williams, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Religion, Presidential Elections, and Public Philosophies (Room C204)

Daniel K. Williams, University of West Georgia
“When the Right-to-Life Turned Right: The Development of the Pro-Life
Movement’s Alliance with Political Conservatism”

Christopher Shannon, Christendom College
“From Goldwater to Guadalupe: The Strange Career of L. Brent Bozell”

Raymond J. Haberski, Marian College
“The Illusory Community: Richard John Neuhaus, The Naked Public Square, and Rise of a New Metaphor”

Chair/Commentator: John Fea, Messiah College

Postwar Political Economy (Room C205)

Caley Horan, Princeton University
“Selling ‘Self-Made’ Security: Private Insurance and the Emergence of Neoliberal Governance in the Post-WWII United States”

Mike O’Connor, Independent Scholar
“Tax Revolt!: California’s Proposition 13 and Modern American Conservatism”

Chair/Commentator: David Steigerwald, Ohio State University

Lunch Break, 11:45-1:00

Keynote Address, 1:15-3:00
Introduction by S-USIH President, Paul Murphy

David Hollinger, University of California, Berkeley
“Reinhold Niebuhr, Christian Survivalism, and the Question of Secularization”

Session D, 3:15-5:00

Roundtable: The Meeting of the Minds: Reckoning with Corey Robin and Michael Kazin, or, Left and Right in Theory and History (Room C198)

Chair: L.D. Burnett, University of Texas-Dallas
Bruce Robbins, Columbia University
James Livingston, Rutgers University
Corey Robin, Brooklyn College and the Graduate Center, CUNY
Michael Kazin, Georgetown University

Roundtable: New Directions: Ideology, Transnationalism, and the Role of the U.S. in the World (Room C201)

Chair: Christopher McKnight Nichols, Oregon State University
David Engerman, Brandeis University
Brad Simpson, Princeton University
Daniel Immerwahr, Northwestern University

Roundtable: Conceptual Contexts: Historians and Philosophers in Discourse on Religious Ideas (Room C202)

Chair: Marilyn Fischer, University of Dayton
John Kaag, University of Massachusetts, Lowell
Louise W. Knight, Northhwestern University
Anthony B. Smith, University of Dayton

German Ideas and Intellectuals in America (Room C203)

David Weinfeld, New York University
“Self-Hating German: Horace Kallen’s Anglophile Rejection of German Ideas”

Daniel Bessner, Duke University
“Hans Speier and the Rise of the American Defense Intellectual”

Benjamin L. Alpers, University of Oklahoma
“Leo Strauss and German Thought in America”

Chair/Commentator: Anne Kornhauser, City College of New York (CUNY)

Concepts, Dialogue, and Community in the American Novel of Ideas (Room C204)

Anthony Hutchison, University of Nottingham
“Charisma in the Post-war American Novel of Politics”

Adam Kelly, Harvard University
“Dialectic of Sincerity: Lionel Trilling and David Foster Wallace”

Peter Kuryla, Belmont University
“Metaphysical Intimacy: Saul Bellow’s Ravelstein and The Varieties of Religious Experience”

Chair/Commentator: Morris Dickstein, CUNY Graduate Center

Going Public: Scientists in 20th Century U.S. Culture, Politics, and War (Room C205)

Alexander Olson, University of Michigan
“Strength in Numbers: Professional Networks, Mass Media, and the Science Service”

Rebecca Onion, University of Texas at Austin
“Restoring Color to Science: Frank Oppenheimer’s Exploratorium as Cultural Intervention”

Sarah Bridger, California Polytechnic
“Access and Expertise Without Influence: Jason Scientists and the War in Vietnam”

Chair/Commentator: David K. Hecht, Bowdoin College

Plenary Session, 6:00-8:00 (Elebash Recital Hall)
Roundtable: The Most Commanding Theme of U.S. Intellectual History?

Chair: David Sehat, Georgia State University
Daniel Wickberg, University of Texas-Dallas
Joan Shelley Rubin, University of Rochester
Jennifer Burns, Stanford University
Jonathan Scott Holloway, Yale University

Updated 10.16.2012

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