Senin, 19 November 2012

An Ever-Weakening America Has Invited War

At IBD, "Obama Re-Election Brings Israel Mideast War":
The re-election of a U.S. president with a weak foreign policy has, on cue, brought war to Israel. Islamist aggressors have sized up the next four years based on the last four years.

The month after his inauguration, after meeting with the woman who would help him win the Cold War, British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, President Ronald Reagan recited a favorite Churchill quote.

It was a grave warning that "peace will not be preserved without the virtues that make victory possible in war. Peace will not be preserved by pious sentiments expressed in terms of platitudes or by official grimaces and diplomatic correctitude, however desirable these may be from time to time. It will not be preserved by casting aside in dangerous years the panoply of warlike strength."

President Obama's re-election telegraphed that the world's lone superpower will continue the sentimentalist diplomacy of the last four years.

It also confirmed that America would continue gutting its military, shutting down the production of key weapons systems like the F-22 Raptor, which the Air Force calls critical in sustaining U.S. tactical air power.

As House Armed Services Committee Republicans have warned, cuts will mean the Army and Marines losing 200,000 troops, and the Navy shrinking from 300 to 238 vessels while losing two carrier battle groups.

Hamas, whose rockets now target Jerusalem, know that America is weakening both its military and its support for the Jewish state — just as they know our "tough diplomacy" against Iran is a dismal failure as Tehran nears nuclear weapons capability.

The thousands of Egyptians who on Friday began protesting Israel's self-defensive air strikes on Gaza, from which the rockets are launched, know it.
Continue reading.

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