Rabu, 29 Juni 2011

The S-USIH Publications Committee

I'm honored to have been chosen as the first Publications Chair of the Society for U.S. Intellectual History (S-USIH).  Our Constitution describes my duties as follows:
The Publications Committee Chair shall supervise all official Society publications including but not limited to: the blog, the newsletter, and the book reviews. The Publications Committee Chair shall have the authority to appoint up to two members in good standing to the Publications Committee in order to help in any aspect of performing that committee's responsibilities.
I'm pleased to announce that I've appointed Tim Lacy to serve on the Publications Committee.  Tim is familiar to readers of this site as a founder of the blog, our regular Thursday blogger, and our book review editor.

This leaves one slot open on the Publications Committee.*  We have a clear need for someone with experience in traditional, hardcopy layout.  We have a lot of decisions to make about S-USIH publications and whoever joins the committee will have a seat at the table in making those decisions. But, most immediately, we have been specifically charged with putting together a newsletter. And newsletters require layout, with which neither Tim nor I have much experience.

Rather than asking yet another of the USIH usual suspects to come on board, I thought I'd open things up for new people to get involved.  So if you're reading this, have any experience with layout, and are interested in joining the Society for U.S. Intellectual History's Publications Committee, please send me an e-mail at balpers AT ou.edu (written as a traditional e-mail address, of course).  Please tell me why you're interested and why you think you'd be good for the job.  Please also include a cv.  In order to serve, you will need to be a member in good standing of S-USIH, so if you're interested, please also fill out a membership form and send it in with your dues.


* I almost titled this post "I've got this thing and it's f***ing golden. And I'm not giving it up for f***ing nothing," but I didn't want anyone to think I was actually asking for payment to join the Publications Committee, so I thought better of it.

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