Rabu, 23 November 2011


Michelle Moravec twittered throughout the first day of our S-USIH conference. I am also going to start posting notes to twitter using the hashtag #USIHblog. Add my new twitter account @LKientzAnderson.

Here are some of Moravec's thoughts on the conference (read it backwards scroll down to the bottom and read upwards for the chronology to make sense. I added in the panel names). What did you think of the conference sessions?

what is it about women that makes you have to deal with multiple discourse?

hey guess what it can be BOTH an intellectual history panel AND a Women's Studies panel

hmm well WHY has it taken so long for women's history & intellectual history to meet up?

yes ideas can't transcend embodiment unless you are bodied in the norm (mythical white male norm)

when your subjects are bad, OH SO TRUE

writing about women of color intellectuals as an act of willful anachronism because they had no "discourse community." Maria Cotera

welcoming = outreach, which means something is wrong with your discourse community

yes Jennifer makes AWESOME point to counter anti AWESOME panel discussion

tweeting conference papers. click on to get narrative MRT it's so hard to understand

decentering the subject as project of radical feminism linked to death of the author? Links b/n black nationalism & radical feminism

intellectual history has narrative, historiography, individuals are important as exemplars of larger things, use women as such

when you travel b/n social movement you co-author/co-edit yet you are forced to give up certain benefits in that process

political stakes of collaborative writing, deprivileging the author, yet now when recuperated authorship is claimed YES

native ethnographers turned to mixed genre story telling, a literary voice allows difference to be authority.

Maria Cotera, University of Michigan mechanics of invisibilization how do dominant intellectual history narratives exclude?

Political theory message oppressions damage all sorts of people, not just women. anti-normative "black queer thought" intersectional

Sherie M Randolph on when your historical subjects argue back

Plenary Event, 6:00-8:00 p.m. (C201-202)

U.S. Women’s Intellectual Traditions (Roundtable)
Introduction of panel by Mike O’Connor, chair, 2011 conference committee
Chair: Louise W. Knight, Northwestern University
Maria Cotera, University of Michigan
Megan Marshall, Emerson College
Philippa Strum, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
Sherie M. Randolph, University of Michigan

FAUBULOUS panel on women intellectuals

No says SC Contributing to discipline, a writing life, or learning demonstration. For SC register=scholarly voice w/ tone & quality

Is the life of the intellectual necessarily isolated?

NEXT UP Steven Weiland, Michigan St Univ “Academic Autobiography and Intellectual History: The Late Life Register of Stanley Cavell”

yet another woman joins us.

movement from theology to less well defined intellectual space, Beyond God The Father pivotal work in this move


woo hoo first man shows up for panel

Daly's persistent anxiety about her academic credentials "Dr Mary Daly ... is an imposter"

Kathryn Telling, University of Nottingham Mary Daly’s Changing Relation to Institutionalized Education, 1968-2006

Panel C3
Biography, Autobiography and Memoir in American Intellectual History
Mark Smith, University of Texas at Austin
“What Makes a Good Biography from an Intellectual History Perspective?: Grappling with Richmond Pearson Hobson”
Steven Weiland, Michigan State University
“Academic Autobiography and Intellectual History: The Late Life Register of Stanley Cavell”
Kathryn Telling, University of Nottingham
“‘Unfree, Uncourageous, and Radically Uneducated’: Mary Daly’s Changing Relation to Institutionalized Education, 1968-2006”
Chair/Commentator: Marilyn Fischer, University of Dayton
OK final panel of the day on ! YES radical draws all female audience (thus far)

Who gets to decide what actions count as “protests” why are some actions considered politically significant

hmmm Who produces ideas & who gets to decide what counts as ideas, whose ideas count do you have to be seeking ” the meta-narrative?

as black sociology=Black researchers lead, black focus, Interdisciplinary, Generalizable results Immed. policy implications

leads to splintering between praxis and professionalism, the influence of local workers declined

NU professionalized social work at Atl Univ which diminished ties to academic sociologists and practicing social workers

1914 NU oversaw almost all aspect of ATL black neighborhoods settlement house, municipal housekeeping, educational etc

Neighborhood Union (1908) woman sickened & neighbor's didn't notice until too late. or 1899 single black mothers needed help

next up Jennifer Eckel, UT “‘And Thy Neighbor as Thyself’: Atlanta University Sociology and Lugenia Burns Hope's Neighborhood Union”

IR =persuade individuals out of their racism, gradually gave way to forced change with mixed results

inter-racialism v protest to bring change. On who does the onus lie?

IR = insight. Juliette Derricotte dialogue across races = personal transformation and change

nauseating because= no real change. To Bird argued dominant group had to change before copperation possible

3 views on inter-racialism (via Marion Cuthbert) magical, nauseating, real insight

Lauren Kientz Anderson Interracialism Univ in 1930

Panel B4
Islands in the Southern Stream? Safety, Sublimation and Interracialism on Black College Campuses, 1874-1930
Jennifer Eckel, University of Texas
“‘And Thy Neighbor as Thyself’: Atlanta University Sociology and Lugenia Burns Hope's Neighborhood Union”
Lauren Kientz Anderson, University of Kentucky
“A Nauseating Sentiment, a Magical Device, or a Real Insight? Interracialism at Fisk University in 1930”
Chair/Commentator: James A. Levy, University of Wisconsin, Whitewater
round 2 papers for "Black College Campuses, 1874-1930" TWO OF US IN THE AUDIENCE

Heather Murray quite possibly most tweetable comment on panel EVER "politics of the orgasm"

Heather Murray comments Hannah Arendt "Self-Hating Jewess Writes Pro-Eichmann Series for the New Yorker"

WLM participated in radical therapy movement, therapy change not adjustment so OK for feminism, RTM also rejected trad. psych

women's lib used for feminism, liberation = self actualization, highest need ideology, CR produced that and human potential

1.women's lib familiar w/ therapeutic discourses 2.vareity of ther. disc. stressed human potential 3.feminists selectively adopted #2

rejected psych experts as normalizing gender roles, at same time as embraced ideas about self and society from psych

CR was therapy despite radical denials, but still political perspective and purpose.

resituate women's liberation not from but postwar U.S. therapeutic culture. Consciousness is psych

3rd ppr Voichita Nachescu “Radical Feminism and the Psychotherapeutic Sensibility"

neuro psych grasp of brain bio --> self as organism. Anxiety=organism's reaction to a state of catastrophe unfree

M.D. view anxiety pathological condition that interferes with interpersonal relationships, cure = love

heidegger anxiety has no fixed obj but cause is "being as such"

kirk. Anxiety has an indeterminate object unlike fear. Stems from theological guilt over original sin

Kierkegaard anxiety = feminine weakness. Now medical dx via 3 step secularization medicalization pharmacologization

Ppr #2 Simon Taylor, Columbia “The Influence of Anxiety"

Kenneth Clark doll studies --> pscyhological damage of racism (ll process for jews) --> S.C. Brown decision

oh goody & ! sympathy req 4 modernism (cosmopolitanism) req. reject of former ways?

A smith Imagined condemnation by impartial observer leads self to ID with them over self, sympathy regulates self

Direct line from Adam Smith Sympathy to 20th American sociology

Self-hating as veiled criticism n liberal discourse of lack of commitment to ID politics/failure to act

1st up Daniel Wickberg UT, Dallas “Sympathy & Self-Hatred" or liberalism & the psychoanalytical turn in P '45 US

deja vu already overheard 2 conversations about should we encourage students to apply to grad school.

Session A, 10:00-11:45 a.m.
Panel A1
Psychology, Psychiatry and American Social Thought
Daniel Wickberg, University of Texas at Dallas
“Sympathy and Self-Hatred in American Social Thought”
Simon Taylor, Columbia University
“The Influence of Anxiety: American Psychiatry and the Culture of Dread, 1950-1970”
Voichita Ileana Nachescu, Raritan Valley Community College
“Radical Feminism and the Psychotherapeutic Sensibility of the 1960s”
Chair/Commentator: Heather Murray, University of Ottawa

first panel about to begin Psychology, Psychiatry and American Social Thought

packing for in too damn bad I'll be in a conference 24/7
15 Nov

Profess Moravec

Th and Fri this week, live tweeting from U.S. Intellectual History conf Don't miss the fun

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