Jumat, 26 Oktober 2012

Canada MPP Cheri DiNovo's F-king Depraved 'Bathroom Bill '

This is the "Radical Reverend" Dr. Cheri DiNovo, "A progressive, social justice-oriented minister who favours inclusion of marginalized groups, including women, LGBT people and the poor and homeless into the mainstream of Christian life," according to Wikipedia. In other words, a f-king depraved far left-wing social justice scumbag. Blazing Cat Fur reports, "NDP Harpie Cheri DiNovo Says You're a H8R If You Don't Like the Idea of Trannies Sharing a Washroom With Your Daughter."

And at LifeSite News, "NDP threatens Family Coalition Party with legal action for 'hate literature' mail drop":

Bathroom Bill
TORONTO, October 26, 2012, (LifeSiteNews.com) – An MPP who sponsored what critics call the “bathroom bill” was irked by a mail drop in her riding last Saturday that questioned her leadership and called for a repeal of the bill.

NDP Member of Provincial Parliament Cheri DiNovo has demanded (http://ondpcaucus.com/en/dinovo-demands-apology-for-hate-literature/) an apology from the Family Coalition Party of Ontario and has threatened them with legal action for what she called a “transphobic and hateful piece of literature”.

The brochure features a picture of a stick-figure man peering over a wall at a stick-figure little girl in pigtails with the words “Repeal the Bathroom Bill”.

Two dozen people handed out about 2,500 brochures on Bloor West in DiNovo’s riding of Parkdale-High Park.

The brochure states that “DiNovo’s new ‘Bathroom Bill’ will give men who dress like women access to girl’s washrooms, public, showers, and pool changerooms.”

“Maybe it’s time to ask her…Cheri, What were you thinking?”

Bill 33, an Act that amended the province’s Human Rights Code to make “gender identity” and “gender expression” prohibited grounds for discrimination, passed in June.

DiNovo said at the time that the bill would “create a whole new environment in Ontario”.

Critics pointed out however that the bill would create a legal right for a man who calls himself ‘transgender’ to enter a public room designed exclusively for women. There he could pursue sexual exploitation opportunities at his convenience.
Keep your children close. This is what progressivism is all about. "Inclusion" and "tolerance," and if you don't  like it you're a "hater." Just disagreeing with these f-ckers is likely to bring criminal charges, in those countries that allow hate crimes prosecutions. One more chapter in the history of the radical left's destruction of human decency and basic security for our loved ones.

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