Jumat, 26 Oktober 2012

Oh My! Romney Back Up to 51 Percent in Gallup's Daily Tracking — Nate Silver Hardest Hit!

And that's among likely voters.

Gallup had the race tightening, with Romney holding a three-point edge yesterday, 50-47, but he's opening it back up. I think Nate Silver's head's about to explode.

See: "Election 2012 Likely Voters Trial Heat: Obama vs. Romney - Among likely voters."

And check NewsBusters, "Hi, Ho, Nate Silver: NYT's Star Poll Analyst Bolsters Fading Democratic Spirits Once Again."

BONUS: At Rasmussen, "Election 2012: Wisconsin President - Wisconsin: Obama 49%, Romney 49%," and "Wisconsin May Be the New Ohio."


* "'Grand Swami' Nate Silver Boosts O's Chances to 71.0% in Electoral College!"

* "Obama Crashing in Ohio; or, For the Love of Mercy, Leave Nate Silver Alone!"

* "Nate Silver Calls It: Advantage Obama!"

* "Nate Silver's Flawed Model."

* "Boom! Romney Back Up 52-45 in Gallup's Daily Tracking of Likely Voters."

* "ABC News Touts Nate Silver's Prediction That Obama's Handicapped at 68 Percent Chance to Win!"

* "'It's becoming increasingly obvious that Silver can't be taken seriously...'"

* "Nate Silver Blows Gasket as Gallup Shows Romney Pulling Away in the Presidential Horse Race."

More later...

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