Senin, 03 Desember 2012

Socialists Outline Democrats' Agenda for Next Two Years

At New Zeal:
Contrary to popular opinion, the U.S. Democratic Party does not set much of its own policy.

Democrat policy is actually dictated by the labor unions and radical think tanks, such as the Center for American Progress, and the Institute for Policy Studies.

The unions are dominated by the U.S.’s largest Marxist organization Democratic Socialists of America – which also works closely with the C.A.P. and I.P.S.

So, by a process of osmosis and deliberate orchestration, D.S.A., and their friends in the Communist Party USA, effectively dictate Democrat policy at state and national levels.

On November 16, the Democratic Socialists of America National Political Committee released After the Election: Keep Fighting, a blueprint for DSA action and priorities for the first segment of Obama’s second term.

It is basically a guide to action for long time DSA ally Barack Obama and the Democratic Party, over the next two years.

Diverting money from the military to social spending will be a huge part of the agenda. After all, a strong US military is the major block to world revolution.

The push will be towards universal socialist healthcare and an economy wrecking Financial Transactions Tax.

Ending poverty through massive re-distribution will be a big focus… capitalizing on the 50th anniversary of DSA founder Michael Harrington‘s famous book “The Other America,” which helped to launch Lyndon Johnson’s catastrophic and completely counter productive  “War on Poverty” in the mid-1960s...
So true. More at that top link.

I've been writing about this as well. See, "Campaign for America's Future, Top Democrat Activist Group, Launches Class-Warfare Website," and "Communist Party USA Pulls Out the Stops for Democrat Class Warfare."

BONUS: "Rachel Maddow and the Left's Depraved Agenda of Unchecked Power Over the Individual."

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