Sabtu, 08 Januari 2011

"We'd like to thank the Academy..."

Though it's already been mentioned in passing and has been placed in the left column of this blog, USIH's receipt of the Cliopatria Award for Best Group Blog of 2010 deserves a post of its own.  This is the sixth year for the Cliopatrias, which are sponsored by History News Network's group blog of the same name and which recognize the year's best in history blogging.

The awards were announced at the AHA on Thursday.  You can read about all of 2010's winners here.  The citation for USIH reads as follows:

This well-staffed blog features frequent substantial discussions of books and issues including literature, law, culture, religion, politics and theory. Wide-ranging and widely respected, US Intellectual History is a powerful nexus of discussion and organization within the field and a bridge between American intellectual historians, broadly defined, and the rest of the profession.

Before the HNN Orchestra plays me off, I'd like to briefly thank Cliopatria's Ralph Luker, for organizing the awards, as well as this year's judges:  Joseph Adelman, Aaron Bady, Edward Cavanagh, Jonathan Dresner, Rick Herrera, Lucy Inglis, Ian Lekus, Andrew Seal, and David Silbey.  We (I think I can speak for USIH collectively on this) are truly honored to have been chosen by you for this award.

I'd also like to thank my fellow bloggers for all of your hard work, fascinating insights, and lively discussions.

Finally, I especially want to congratulate this blog's founding editors (many of whom are still around, but some of whom aren't):  Paul Anderson, Andrew Hartman, Tim Lacy, Paul Murphy, Mike O'Connor, Joe Petrulionis, Sylwester Ratowt, and  John Thomas Scott.*  Thanks for creating USIH!

USIH--as a blog and an organization-coming-into-being (there's probably a good German word for that)--enters 2011 with a real head of steam. Let's keep it up!

* This list is culled from the Internet Archive's earliest record of this blog, which is actually a few months into its existence. I'm embarrassed to admit that I'm not 100% sure who was around in January 2007, when this blog opened for business.  I came on board in November 2008.  Incidentally, there are no Internet Archive entries for USIH after 2007, which is too bad.  Can something be done about that for the future?

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