Rabu, 24 Oktober 2012

An Incredibly Stupid Cover Up

At the video John Bolton slams the White House as "incredibly stupid, and those Fox News reports are increasingly fevered, man.

And Jake Tapper updates, "White House Responds to Release of Real-Time Emails About Benghazi Attack":

The White House this morning attempted to down-play the significance of emails sent to top national security officials during the attack on the diplomatic post in Benghazi, Libya, on September 11, one of which suggested a known terrorist group claimed credit for the attack in its immediate aftermath.

As obtained by ABC News’ John Parkinson and posted last night, the emails seem to be ones sent by the State Department Operations Center to distribution lists and email accounts for the top national security officials at the State Department, Pentagon, the FBI, the White House Situation Room and the office of the Director of National Intelligence.

One of the emails reported that officials that Ansar al-Sharia claimed responsibility for the Benghazi attack on Facebook and Twitter, and had threatened to attack the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli.

In the first couple weeks after the attack, the White House and Obama administration generally blamed the attack on a demonstration an anti-Muslim video that got out of control. On September 14, White House press secretary Jay Carney asserted that “we have no information to suggest that it was a preplanned attack.” Only later would the Obama administration say the attack was planned.

White House officials maintained that the emails don’t contradict what the White House believed at that point, based on the intelligence community’s assessment of the attack.
Not a pre-planned attack? That's what they've been saying for weeks. It's an alternative reality for these people, but the public eye-opening is coming. It's going to be hard to watch.

And at Hot Air, "Senate Intel vice chair: We’ve been demanding these e-mails since the Benghazi attack," and Gateway Pundit, "OBAMA FIDDLED AS BENGHAZI BURNED – President Refused to Call in Troops From Italy One Hour Away."

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