Senin, 22 Oktober 2012

Boom! Romney Back Up 52-45 in Gallup's Daily Tracking of Likely Voters

It's been a week since the Hoftra debate --- the "how dare you imply that my administration lied" debate --- and President Eye Candy's numbers are going in the wrong direction. Mitt Romney regained a point in the daily tracking, again up 52 to 45 percent in the presidential horse race. Somewhere Nate Silver is cowering in shame.

See: "Election 2012 Likely Voters Trial Heat: Obama vs. Romney - Among likely voters."

RELATED: At Politico, "Battleground Tracking Poll: Mitt Romney takes lead" (at Memeorandum):
DELRAY BEACH, Fla. — Mitt Romney has taken a narrow national lead, tightened the gender gap and expanded his edge over President Barack Obama on who would best grow the economy.

A new POLITICO/George Washington University Battleground Tracking Poll of 1,000 likely voters — taken from Sunday through Thursday of last week — shows Romney ahead of Obama by two points, 49 to 47 percent. That represents a three-point swing in the GOP nominee’s direction from a week ago but is still within the margin of error. Obama led 49 percent to 48 percent the week before.

Romney has not led in the poll since the beginning of May.

Across the 10 states identified by POLITICO as competitive, Romney leads 50 to 48 percent.
See also Ed Morrissey, "Romney edges into 49/47 lead in Politico/GWU Battleground poll."

More later...

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