Sabtu, 20 Oktober 2012

Huffington Post's Ryan Clayton 'Escorted' From D.C. Screening of 'Hating Breitbart'

At Instapundit, "Even from beyond, Andrew Breitbart is driving his ideological enemies into apoplexy."

And from Gateway Pundit, "BREAKING: FOX News Contributor & HuffPo Loon Ryan Clayton Frogmarched From “Hating Breitbart” Premier."

He's getting hammered on Twitter as well:

He's denying he was "frog-marched" out of the theater and is offering $1000 to the first person who provides video proof. I'll bet the dude's going to be $1000 poorer real soon.

Check the loon's Twitter feed.

UPDATE: This story's taking off.

See The Other McCain, "Left Celebrates ‘Hating Breitbart’ Opening by Acting Like the A–holes They Are." Via Memeorandum.

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